Friday, February 12, 2016

Will You Be My Valentine

"Will You Be My Valentine"

What's love? To me it's you,
I feel loved in everything you do

The joy you get in treating me like a princess, 
And how you strive in bringing all the happiness 

I wonder if you are real or there's an angel in you,
Is this a dream world I live in or is it all true

The day we met was a day so sweet,
And we knew, life together is going to be a treat

I am quite to some and chirpy to the rest,
But you are the one who knows me the best

You tease me, you love me and shoo the blues away,
Everything you do is unique in its own way

There's craziness in your ardor and sometimes you are so sane,
I keep falling in love with you over and over again

For all the years and lives to come I want you to be mine,
So I ask you with all my love, will you be my valentine?